Region: Aileu
Exporter: Kape Diem
Arabica Varietals: Typica & Catimor
Process: Ananerobic Natural
Altitude: 1000 – 1100 masl
In the cup: Tropical Fruit, Strawberry, Plum, Cherry, Chocolate, Orange, Toffee, Red Apple, Sweet
The mountainous terrain across Aileu has the perfect growing conditions to experiment with coffee tree agriculture. Our Orijem Timor partners in Timor-Leste, Kape Diem, have been working with members of the Centro Treinamentoe Recursos Aileu (CTRA) in partnership with Quinta Portugal to build up their agricultural skills as well as improve quality of life for the community. The CTRA translates to ‘Training and Resources Centre of Aileu’ and the members of this group receive training and support in their agriculture and horticultural practices, in literacy, and support in community events including arts and craft fairs and cultural festivals.
There are around 70 families that are members with the CTRA, and over 50 of them own a coffee field. CTRA members sell the cherries and the parchment as a way to create a balanced income throughout the year. They are all supported to revitalise their trees and soils, learn better harvesting and processing techniques, and are supplied with better equipment and tools for processing. This support network that focuses not only on coffee agriculture, but on economic balance and community involvement too is something that we are proud to see and support, and we are already seeing the work and effort put in throughout Aileu truly showing in the coffee profiles that we offer to the world.
Processing Details
o Red cherries are delivered to the wet mill in Aileu
o Cherries are processed in a yeast-inoculated citrus-coferment oxygen free environment for an extended period at an ambient temperature to prolong fermentation which helps reduce rapid oxidation post-harvest
o Cherries are then spread in thin layers on raised beds to dry and are regularly rotated even drying for 5-7 days. The temperature at Aileu wet mill is cooler for the first few days of drying
o Cherries are transported to Dili to our dedicated drying area where temperatures are warmer and moisture is lower which allows more control for the remainder of the drying process
o Drying typically takes 25-30 days
o Moisture content is reduced to 10-12%
o Sorted beans are stored in dried cherry pods in Grainpro bags in a closed warehouse until milling and export preparation
(Information courtesy of Project Origin)
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