Region: Southern Highlands
Altitude: 1,150 – 1,950 meters
Varieties: Bourbon and Typica
Processing: Wet-processing, sun-dried, green coffee is graded/sorted at Tembo’s facility,Mbeya
In the cup: Full bodied cup of nut, brown sugar and dark grape sweetness.
Tweega is a version of the Swahili word for “Giraffe.” Tweega Coffee comes from washing stations throughout the Southern Highlands from over 10,000 farmers. The blend is comprised of coffee from 5 washing stations in Mbeya that work exclusively with Tembo Coffee.
The 12,000 smallholder farmers who produce Tweega coffees are represented by self-organized producer groups. Over 5,000 farmers from 50 groups are also enrolled in Tembo’s Agribusiness Training Program. These farmers are learning how to maximize their income potential by improving their yields and leveraging transparent business practices to secure fair payments and quality bonuses.
After the ripe cherry is harvested, the immature green cherry is picked out. Then the over-ripe cherry is separated in flotation tanks and only prime red cherry is sent to pulpers. Pulped parchment is fermented for 24-48 hours depending on the local weather conditions at the time. Then the clean, washed parchment is sent for drying. All the coffee is dried on raised beds anywhere from 15-22 days prior to dry milling.
About Tanzania
Tanzania produces between 30-40,000 metric tons of coffee per year (70% Arabica, 30% Robusta). The three main Arabica growing regions are in the North/Kilimanjaro, Mbeya and the Matengo Highlands (Mbinga).
More than 90% of Tanzania’s coffee is produced by 400,000 smallholder farmers. Larger estates are found in Arusha, Kilimanjaro and Mbeya regions.
The harvesting season in Tanzania usually lasts from July to December, though slightly earlier in the case of Mbeya. Green coffee is sold either through the Moshi auction or direct to buyers. Coffee is shipped to buyers out of the major ports of Dar es Salaam and Tanga.
(information courtesy of MTC coffee and Tembo)
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