Region: Malacatos, Loja
Farm: Hacienda Santa Gertrudis
Producer: Jose Eguigeren
Elevation: 1600-1700 m.a.s.l
Arabica Varietals: Bourbon, Typica, Caturra
Process: Washed
In the cup: Cacao, Green Tea, Herb, Brown Sugar, Clean.
The picturesque Hacienda Santa Gertrudis has belonged to the Eguiguren family for over a hundred years, but it did not always grow coffee trees. Luis Emilio Eguiguren first planted a coffee tree in 1954, and his son Hernan Eguiguren assumed the challenge after growing up watching his father sow. Hernan continued to plant commercial coffee as a means to keep the farm going, but it was Luis Emilio’s grandson, José, who really specialised in coffee. The terrain and climate mean that Santa Gertrudis, as crazy as it sounds, can actually harvest all year round, as the location in the Podocarpus Park causes rain on any day of the year, resulting in blossoming trees throughout the seasons.
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