Location: Tecapa Volcano, Department of Usulutan, eastern El Salvador
Altitude: 1300- 1600 MASL
Arabica Varietal: Bourbon
Process: Washed
Farm: Los Pirineous
Producer: Gilberto Baraona
In the cup: Stone fruit and chocolate aromas, creamy mouthfeel and complex flavours – peach jam, orange, brown sugar, lime, raisin, plum and milk chocolate.
Gilberto Baraona’s farm Los Pirineos is located on top of the Tecapa Volcano; a volcanic mountain range in the Department of Usulutan in eastern El Salvador. The name was given because of the similarity to the mountains of the Pyrenees in Europe, which separates France and Spain. Los Pirineos has some impressive coffee producing facilities, including a substantial number of African drying beds, mechanical de-mucilage machines and ultra-violet (UV) drying areas. The farm also has an extensive nursery and growing facilities, in which Gilberto grows exotic and experimental varietals for sale within El Salvador and abroad. Gilberto takes great care to maintain clean equipment to ensure quality processing from beginning to end. His mill is built between two mountains, which ensures constant wind going from one side to the other. This mountain corridor, running east to west, means that the coffee gets plenty of sunlight each day, perfect for growing coffee cherries.
(info courtesy of Project Origin)
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