Region: High Cerrado
State: Minas Gerais
City: Carmo do Paranaiba
Elevation: 1100 m.
Variety: Yellow Catuai
Process: Natural – raised beds
Farm: Sao Silvestre
Farmer: Ismael Andrade
Screen size: Peaberry
In the cup: Floral and fruity aroma. Creamy body with fine acidity. Clean and sweet with jasmine and rasberry jam notes on a caramel base.
The Andrade family started growing coffee in 1901 with the acquisition of Capim Branco Farm by Ismael’s grandparent, Aprigio Furtado. Located at Cerrado Mineiro region, Sao Silvestre farm uses both traditional methods of harvesting and processing but also innovates with new processes like natural fermentation, african beds and honey process.
In 2018, Ismael Andrade won the Brazil Cup of Excellence Naturals, scoring 93.26 with an amazing Red Catuai.
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